For the sixth time, we organize the 6th Children’s Week in Bialystok, recalling the pre-war Białystok tradition. We invite school groups and children with parents to participate in the rich cultural program. Białystok Cultural Centre is hosting 3 events within the Children’s Week.
Goodnight, Marvin!
theatrical performance and workshops
October 11th, 2017, 6 PM
Fama Club, 5 Legionowa Street
age rating: 4+
the number of participants is limited
applications: tel. +48 85 746 13 24
free entry
Everyone is afraid of something. But what if the fear is so great that you can not sleep? This is what our title character Marvin the Dinosaur is going through. He is not afraid of some minor things, he is afraid of the extinction. However, he is not left alone with this problem. Finn the Turtle and Ulysses the Butterfly come to the rescue. Will they be able to overcome Marvin’s fear? And how?
Ĉapelo el Centro Zamenhof – A Hat from the Zamenhof Centre
family workshops
October 14th, 2017, 11 AM and 1 PM
Białystok Cultural Centre / Ludwik Zamenhof Centre, 19 Warszawska Street
age rating: 6-12
applications: tel. +48 85 676 73 67
free entry
We read for children
October 15th, 2017
free entry
- 10:30 AM – BCC/LZC, 19 Warszawska Street
- 11:30 AM – Podlachian Museum in Białystok – City Hall, 10 Kościuszki Square
- 12:00 – Army Museum, 7 Kilińskiego Street
- 1 PM – Białystok Puppet Theatre, 1 Kalinowskiego Street
- 2 PM – Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic – 1 Odeska Street
We invite children with their parents to listen to selected pieces of the most interesting children’s books, selected specially for the finale of the 6th Children’s Week in Białystok. Białystok cultural institutions invite to read books together, and the fragments will be read by renowned actors, institutions chairpersons and educators.
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8 years ago