We have the pleasure of inviting you to a discussion within The Rise of Eastern Culture / Another Dimension festival
Discussion with Leszek Szerepka about his book “Belarusian Sniper”
August 21, 2021, 2 PM
Ludwik Zamenhof Center, 19 Warszawska St.
free admission
discussion host: Mikołaj Wawrzeniuk
Leszek Szerepka – doctor of historical sciences, diplomat and writer. A graduate of the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw, presently a lecturer at the Center for Eastern Europe at the University of Warsaw. He spent several years in Polish diplomatic missions in the East (Moscow, Kyiv and Minsk), ia. in 2011-2015 he was the Polish ambassador to Belarus. Author of numerous publications on the area of the former USSR, including several books of both scientific and fictional nature.
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8 years ago