
Meeting with Katarzyna Kosycarz takes pleace in a series of Folk Meetings

„There is a place in the world, which is a big concert hall. Perform there Music, Joy and Dance. There is a place in the World … its name is Guinea. There were best concerts in my life. I heard there best concert of music, which I love so much. I saw dance as a uniform stream of consciousness, which I still do not understand, beautiful people, whom I missed, delicious oranges, the air that smells like raspberry mamba , mango nights, smoky and full of rubbish streets … This is Guinea. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. For me, one of the richest.”

Kasia Kosycarz or just Kaza Kaza, she was called in Guinea. Her love for African drums took her to their homeland. And since then nothing is the same. She is looking, asking and thanks every day for Africa and its music. She celebrates the life and loves strawberries and professionally – what she loves to do – working with children in school Rhythmic Joy, leading workshops drumming. All from the passion and to passion. The principle is one. She graduated in Sociology from the specialties of intercultural communication and in her the free time she assumes “red nose” and visits children in hospitals.


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