Krzysztof and Agnieszka Strzembalscy, a married couple, go to a national park to take part in an AYAHUASCA ceremony. Their leader and master of ceremony is a shaman with Jewish roots, Jacob. Agnieszka wants her husband, Krzysztof, who is an actor, to experience a transformative ceremony. She wants him to be a more open person and a more conscious artist and human. Their life, as a couple, is all about Krzysztof and his career. Krzysztof has recently experienced his first success in media. His self-confidence has been growing lately. For him, this trip is also about saying goodbye to Agnieszka, because he has been feeling for some time that she is somewhat of a burden to him. She is also a witness to his past, before his success, and he doesn’t want to be reminder of this difficult period of his life.!into-the-spiral/c123s
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8 years ago