We have the pleasure of inviting you to a performace within the Art Weekend 2021:
Klaudia Hartung-Wójciak: VHS / Visual Homemade Stories
October 3, 2021, 18:15
University Center of Culture,1N Ciołkowskiego Street
tickets: 30 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office (5 Legionowa Street), Ludwik Zamenhof Centre’s box office (19 Warszawska Street) and on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl
“VHS / Visual Homemade Stories” is a performance piece based on an archive of the cast’s home videos. Starting from the peripheral and marginal stories, extracted from already forgotten and abandoned media, an attempt will be made to relate the everyday life of the transformation era.
Fajne fotki... Ludzie byli silniejsi...Duże worki...Metr / Pół metra... dzisi
8 years ago