President of the Bialystok and Bialystok Cultural Centre invite for a ceremonial presentation of Artistic Award of President of the Bialystok and concert of Krystyna Prońko and Tobiasz Staniszewski with band Dziubek Band
Krystyna Prońko – charismatic jazz singer, composer.
The University of Music in Katowice graduate. She comes from Gorzów Wielkopolski, debuted in 1969 and worked with bands such as Refleks, Respekt, Skaldowie, ABC, Czerwone Gitary. She cooperated among others with: Czesław Niemen, Janusz Koman, Koman Band. Over the period 1979-1981 she worked as a pedagog at The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice.
Krystyna Prońko is a multiple winner of the Opole Festival, she has participated in many festivals in Poland and abroad. Krystyna Prońko is known from hits: „Deszcz w Cisnej”, „Jesteś lekiem na całe zło”, „Małe tęsknoty”, „Złość”, „Poranne łzy” or „Papierowe ptaki”. In 2012 released her latest CD album „Osobista Kolekcja”. Actually she plays with five experienced musicians or in Trio, the artist often gives recitals together with Big Band.
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8 years ago