Magdalena Franczak, Paweł Matyszewski – Stubborn Presence

We invite you to an exhibition within the 32nd Modern Art Days Festival:

Magdalena Franczak, Paweł Matyszewski
Stubborn Presence

May 25th, 2017, 6:30 PM
R5 Gallery, 5 Raginisa Street
free entry
the exhibition will be open until June 25th, 2017

Operation of the R5 Gallery is a permanent process, initiated with the exhibition devoted to the history of the building at 5 Raginisa Street. The Stubborn Presence is another step  – the artists taking part in the exhibition will work in the site specific space, extracting hidden or unknowing themes from it.

The main theme of the exhibition will be exploration of natural phenomena, especially flora: herbs, moss, brushwood, flowers. The exhibition with a variety of scale of works will be reminiscent of a natural complex taking over the galleries. Through the use of proper plant species, strong references to culture and mythology will emerge. The world of nature will be mixed with the world of human imagination.

Magdalena Franczak –interdisciplinary artist who uses various media: painting, drawing, photography, performance. She creates structures and works with site specific space. She also designs theatre costumes and stage sets. She is a member of the Polish-German AOUA group (Academy of Ugly Arts). She works with artists from Poland and abroad.

Paweł Matyszewski – painter, author of structures and installations. A Faculty of Painting graduate, a student of  interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Multimedia Communication at Poznan University of Arts. He has presented his works in Poland, Austria, Belarus, Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, Germany, and Serbia. He is interested in the widely understood marginality of phenomena and behaviour from the border of culture and biology.

We also invite you to the flowery baking workshops, which will take place on May 28th.

curator: Katarzyna Siwerska
production: Białystok Cultural Centre / Modern Art Days Festival, “Widok” Association of Cultural Education

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury