Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
exhibition opening: February 3, 2022, 18:30
exhibition open until March 28, 2022, from 14:00 to 21:00
The world we see every day has an infinite number of layers, which are often characterized by scale. This scale can be huge or completely invisible to the naked eye. The structures of stomata, crystallized sugar, wings or vitamin C cannot be seen without large magnifications, special photographic techniques, huge amounts of patience and unbridled imagination.
Marek Miś’s photography exhibition “A Journey through Microworlds” is a desire to show the beauty of the microworld in its various aspects. We invite you to travel into the colorful microcosm of the world that surrounds us.
Fajne fotki... Ludzie byli silniejsi...Duże worki...Metr / Pół metra... dzisi
8 years ago