We have the pleasure of inviting you to a book promotion:
Mirosław Tryczyk: Splinter. Lies Stronger Than Death / Drzazga. Kłamstwa silniejsze niż śmierć
August 12th, 2020, 6 PM
Fama club, 5 Legionowa Street
free admission, participant registration: +48 85 746 13 24, e.puczynska@bok.bialystok.pl
Grandparents took part in the crimes. Parents were silent. The grandchildren must tell about it so that their children do not repeat it.
Mirosław Tryczyk discovered that his grandfather, the same one he loved to sit on his lap, was involved in crimes against innocent people. How to deal with such a truth?
The author travels across Poland in the footsteps of people similar to him. Who discovered the sins of their ancestors and are looking for a language to tell about them. It is hard to admit that we cannot deal with the truth about our history, about our loved ones. How to love those who kill?
It is a book about people who have the courage to remember and do not want to be silent anymore. For the repressed guilt is like a splinter that poisons a wound.
Mirosław Tryczyk (1977) – doctor of humanities, philosopher, author of the books “Cities of Death. Neighborly pogroms of Jews” and “Splinter. Lies Stronger Than Death”. In 2019, he was nominated for the Polin Museum award for his activities for intercultural tolerance as well as educational and anti-discrimination activities.
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8 years ago