We invite you to workshops within the 32nd Modern Art Days Festival:
Paweł Matyszewski, Magdalena Franczak
May 28th, 2017, 12:00
R5 Gallery, 5 Raginisa Street
Workshops for everyone, no age restrictions.
The number of participants is limited.
Free entry, signing up from the second half of May: widokstowarzyszenie@gmail.com.
The workshops participants will bake flowery pastries: shortcrust bases will serve as a support for compositions from edible flowers. The participants will candy and crystallize flowers. The flowers that will be used for baking are different species of violets, dandelions, nasturtiums, marigolds, daisies, primroses, elder and others. The availability of plants will be conditioned by the weather – depending on whether it is cooler or warmer, a different set of plants will be used for baking.
Magdalena Franczak –interdisciplinary artist who uses various media: painting, drawing, photography, performance. She creates structures and works with site specific space. She also designs theatre costumes and stage sets. She is a member of the Polish-German AOUA group (Academy of Ugly Arts). She works with artists from Poland and abroad.
Paweł Matyszewski – painter, author of structures and installations. A Faculty of Painting graduate, a student of interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Multimedia Communication at Poznan University of Arts. He has presented his works in Poland, Austria, Belarus, Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, Germany, and Serbia. He is interested in the widely understood marginality of phenomena and behaviour from the border of culture and biology.
organizer: “Widok” Association of Cultural Education
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8 years ago