We have the pleasure of inviting you to a meeting within The Rise of Eastern Culture / Another Dimension festival:
Rusłan Kulewicz, Andrzej Waszkiewicz: Hrodna – Shared Past in Stories and Memories
August 22nd, 2020, 1:30 pm
online (LINK)
Thanks to the books by Andrzej Waszkiewicz and Rusłan Kulewicz, we will travel to the Hrodna of the past. We will learn about the city’s past, seen both from the perspective of a historian and a journalist who wrote down the memories of the oldest inhabitants. These two narratives create an interwoven, semi-sentimental, semi-dramatic, extremely colorful description of the further and closer history of one of the most important borderland cities of the Second Polish Republic, which today belongs to the Republic of Belarus.
Andrzej Waszkiewicz – historian, head of the Recent History department at the Museum of History and Archeology in Hrodna. He studied at the University of Hrodna, he also completed a one-year research internship in Wrocław. Author of over a dozen scientific and popular science books about the history of Hrodna and the surrounding area. Tourist guide to Belarus. He collaborates with “Magazyn Polski”.
In his book “Tastes of Old Grodno”, Waszkiewicz offers us a journey in time and a walk through the streets of the city that no longer exists. As he claims: “The book is not a guide to Hrodna. It is rather a collection of sketches about famous people of old Hrodna, magnificent buildings of the city, city economy… I recommend reading it to those who have already tasted our Hrodna and want to refresh their impressions and deepen their knowledge of the city ”.
Rusłan Kulewicz – reporter, photographer, sightseer. The fastest journalist on a bicycle, well known to the inhabitants of Hrodna. He has been working at Hrodna.life since 2013.
Kulewicz decided to collect the memories of the oldest inhabitants of Hrodna, so in 2018 he traveled around the city by bicycle in search of people willing to share their stories. He collected over 30 stories and about a hundred photos, mainly from the pre-war period. In 2018, he published a book “One City, Various Memories” with memories from the years 1930-1940. A year later, he published its sequel – “Stories from Hrodna Streets”.
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8 years ago