July 15th, 2020, 11:30 AM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 10 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office, Ludwik Zamenhof Center’s box office (19 Warszawska Street) and on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl
Please do not bring snacks to the screening and be at least 20 minutes early.
Afraid of being left alone as the youngest of the family, Sam begins his own made up aloneness training during his holiday on the Dutch island Terschelling. But by meeting the elusive Tess, who carries a big secret, he is drawn into an adventure that makes him realize that you should cherish your family instead of fleeing. Sam makes a drastic decision that puts his special friendship with Tess at risk and will change Tess’ life forever.
Fajne fotki... Ludzie byli silniejsi...Duże worki...Metr / Pół metra... dzisi
8 years ago