Białystok Cultural Centre and the Inaczej Cabaret have the pleasure of inviting you to the 38th Comedy Trident!
February 20th, 2018, 6 PM
Fama Club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 15 PLN (presale), 20 PLN (on the day of the event), available at the Forum Cinema box office and on
Fifa-Rafa Cabaret (Bełżyce)
Trzecia Strona Medalu Cabaret (Kraków)
Marcin Zbigniew Wojciech (Rybnik)
It’s been 5 years! Almost 40 editions! Over 50 artistic entities!
In February, the Comedy Trident celebrates a grand fifth birthday and on this occasion we return to the roots and organize a real Cabaret Festival. We invited young people who will fight for laughter and recognition. Three cabarets, three different views of the world, three different prizes and a whole lot of additional attractions .Everything will be hosted by the well-known and well-liked Białystok Inaczej Cabaret. What more could you want? You are welcome!
FiFa-RaFa is a very dynamically developing cabaret of the young generation. During performances it creates a unique atmosphere. It presents universal humour, which means everyone will laugh! In their acts, the problems of everyday life are embellished with a touch of absurdity, thanks to which reality presents itself in a very crooked mirror.
Trzecia Strona Medalu – four guys and one guitar. Participants of over 60 cabaret festivals, winners of 51 awards and honourable mentions! Inhabitants of deep Subcarpathia, people of the Far East, and it is worth noting that the last cabaret native of Subcarpathia was created some 100 years ago. They would like to be intelligent, handsome and funny, because these are the only things they are laking. They play, teach, and the guitarist sings well.
Marcin Zbigniew Wojciech – a man of three first names, one of which is the last name. The model “positive lunatic”. A stage phenomenon and the soul of the party known all over Poland. Comic, cabaret, stand-uper. He has been performing on the stage for 10 years, and he has not been at the hairdresser for 2 years.
Fajne fotki... Ludzie byli silniejsi...Duże worki...Metr / Pół metra... dzisi
8 years ago