8th Australia Days

Białystok Cultural Centre and Albion House have the pleasure of inviting you to an Australian evening!

We have the pleasure to announce, that the BCC has been co-hosting Australia Days for the 2nd time already! 8th Australia Days take place in 10 Polish cities simultaneously.

April 23rd, 2018, 6 PM
Forum Cinema, 5 Legionowa Street

free entry

Feel the Australian climate and find out why the Aborigines blow didgeridoo, what is vegemite like and why thousands of people go to Australia to study. Additionally, each participant of the 8th Australia Days will have a chance to win a ticket to Australia.

Event schedule:
16.00-20.00 Free consultations about travelling to Australia – number of participants is limited – signing up
18.00 Opening of the 8th Australia Days
18.05 Why Australia! Get to know us! – Karolina Sypniewska-Wida
18.15 In the eyes of a Polish student in Australia – participants of the Study in Australia program
18.30 Possibilities and organizing a trip to Australia – Paweł Wida
19.00 Meeting with Australia lover, Marek Niedźwiecki
19.45 Win tickets to Australia – contest
20.00 Conclusion

Additional information: www.dniaustralii.com.





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BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury