Aleksandra Świstow: Laowai and the City. Notes from China

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a presentation within the Curious about the World festival!

Aleksandra Świstow: Laowai and the City. Notes from China

October 28th, 2018, 5 PM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 10 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office, BCC/LZC’ box office and on

Aleksandra Świstow is a full time traveler, blogger, writer and life lover. She can’t live without people and sun, doesn’t like to eat by fork and knife, loves sports and mountains all year around and hates winter in town.

She could never stay in the same place for long and she still can’t believe, how she was able to work 8/5 in the office for a couple of years, changing only haircuts, apartments and boyfriends. Finally, a few months before turning 30, the day she came back from her second trip through Asia, she decided to quit her corporate job and it was the best decision of her entire life. She moved to China, where she was living for over two years and where she wrote a book (hell yeah!) published by National Geographic (it’s only in Polish so far, but you can be sure she’ll let you know about releasing an English version). Then… again she left everything behind and started to travel around the world for 15 months. Currently she’s living in beautiful Annecy in France, enjoying Alps and from time to time she works as a guide in South- East Asia.

She’s really excited to share her adventures and experiences with you and inspire you to travel, to make your wildest dreams come true and to cross the borders – especially the ones of your comfort zone.

complete schedule of the festival


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