Alicja Grabowska’s BIAŁYSTOK Online Concert

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the New Year’s Eve:

Alicja Grabowska’s BIAŁYSTOK Online Concert

December 31, 2020, 8 PM
BCC’s FB profile
free access

The works of Białystok-born composer Zygmunt Białostocki, and his wife, Zofia Białostocka, also a composer, are the theme of the concert. During the interwar period, Białostocki was one of the leading composers of popular music in Poland. A large part of his work fell into oblivion or was lost because the composer died in the Warsaw ghetto (it is believed that his wife also died there).

During the concert, Białostockis’ compositions will be performed in new arrangements inspired by contemporary music (including electro tango, dub, rap, house, ambient, chill, EDM, jazz, classic, swing). The performers and authors who collaborated in developing the works of the Białostocki family included people related to Białystok by birth or education, actively involved in music in Poland and around the world.

Alicja Grabowska – actress, vocalist, performer
Rafał Grabowski – accordion
Ula Kisiel-Pańko – piano electro and synthesizers, arrangements
Paweł Kapica –  violin and electro
Jarek Borowski – electro arrangements
Yaron Gershowski (guest star)- piano classic
Michał “Cira” Ciruk (guest star) – rap

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury