Alucarda + Satanico Pandemonium

In cooperation with Pora Zwyrola we have the pleasure of inviting you to a double film screening within the ¿Underground/Independent? 2020 festival:

Alucarda + Satanico Pandemonium

March 7th, 2020, 6 PM
Fama club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 15 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office (5 Legionowa Street), Ludwik Zamenhof Centre’s box office (19 Warszawska Street) and on
introduction: Jacek Dziduszko
for adult audience only

Alucarda (Spanish title: Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas, or Alucarda, the daughter of darkness) is a 1978 Mexican horror film directed by Mexican horror filmmaker Juan López Moctezuma, starring Tina Romero in the title role. Often thought to be based on the 1872 novella Carmilla, it revolves around two teenage orphan girls living in a Catholic convent, who unleash a demonic force and become possessed by Satan. Although it was made in Mexico, it is an English language film.

Satanico Pandemonium
The Devil visits a convent and commences to poison the mind of Sister Maria with devious sexual thoughts and unthinkable desires. Maria is apparently weak-willed and soon clothes are coming off and we have lots of naked women and lots of naked men. Strangely, everyone in this village appears to be a prude, as all of Maria’s sexual advances are promptly declined; out of frustration, the good Sister violently murders her would-be-confidants. Just to make sure that the exploitation quotient is running on high, the film makers also threw in some whippings, self mutilation, Christian sacrilege, repentance, blood, torture and gore. Gilberto Martinez Solares’ “Satanico Pandemonium” has the most dubious distinction of being the very first Mexican film to cash in on the worldwide stir created by Ken Russell’s raucous nunsploitation epic “The Devils.”

complete schedule of the festival


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