Andre & The Giants

Andre & The Giants

February 16th, 2018, 8 PM
Fama Club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 20 PLN (presale), 25 PLN (on the day event)

Andre & The Giants is a Warsaw indie-folk band. They draw from the sources of American music – folk, blues, and even country music. They are inspired by artists such as Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons, and Gregory Alan Isakov. Their music is a clear combination of honest emotions, warm vocals, harmony of the violin and cello, and rhythm.

The band members include:
Andrzej Rozen – guitar, vocals
Karolina Matuszkiewicz – violin, vocals
Dominik Frankiewicz – cello, vocals


Andre & The Giants 2 Andre & The Giants andre-b2-pop2


BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury