Argentinian, Ukrainian and Romanian Film Breakfasts

We have the pleasure of inviting you to 3 Film Breakfasts within the Żubroffka festival:

Ukrainian Film Breakfast
December 8th, 2017, 11 AM
Fama Club, 5 Legionowa Street
free entry

Ukrainian short films are as tasty as Ukrainian borsch! They are as hot, as Ukrainian vodka. And just as with borsch and vodka, there are no problems with Ukrainian shorts here. So we decided to share them with you and prepared a delicious program of fresh and diverse shorts from the last years. There are 4 films: 1 animation, 1 documentary and 2 fictions. The selected films have been to festivals in Ukraine and abroad. There is even borsch in one of them! Wanna know in which one? Come and see!

The program is made by Кyiv International Short Film Festival (KISFF). KISFF is the largest short film festival in Ukraine. The next edition is held from 25 to 29 of April, 2018.

Curator: Kyrylo Marikutsa

Panorama, Yurii Shylov, 2016, 27’
E.W.A, Gigi Ben Artzi, 8’
Gum, Olga Makarchuk, 2014, 7’
It Was Showering in Manchester, Antonio Luckic, 2015, 27’


Argentinian Film Breakfast
December 9th, 2017, 11 AM
Gran Vía Spanish Culture and Language Centre, 6 Lipowa Street
free entry

Argentinian breakfast is an ode to pastries, coffee with milk, “mate” and “dulce de leche”. Without big changes in between seasons, infusions depend more on the type of place where it is consumed, public or private, than on the weather. Generally, bars offer coffee with milk and croissants or toast and marmalade; while at home and work, mate is the most common infusion, shared between family and friends. Besides being a national drink, it is the perfect digestion ally for our delicious and caloric pastries, made with sweet or savory dough, puffed with different ingredients. Each pastry has its own name and a singular history behind. For the last three centuries, they have been bearing the same ironic names that bakers – mostly European anarchist immigrants- gave them in reference to religious, military and police authorities. For example: “Nun’s Sigh”, “Friar’s Balls” and “Bombs” are fried round dough, stuffed with dulce de leche or custard cream; “Guards” are croissants, sometimes versioned with custard cream and quince jam; “Little Cannons” are made using a flaky cylindrical dough filled with dulce de leche and sprinkled with impalpable sugar. These are some examples of Argentinian madness about flour and its faithful fellow: “the mate”!

Curator: Constanza Tagliaferri

Centaur / Centauro, Nicolás Suarez, 2016, 14’
Mandarin Diamond / Diamante Mandarín, Juan Martín Hsu, 2015, 17’40”
Luminaris, Juan Pablo Zaramella, 2011, 6’20”
Three Sentences About Argentina / Tres oraciones sobre la Argentina, Nele Wohlatz, 2016, 4’
Swedish Cousin / La prima sueca, Inés María Barrionuevo, Agustina San Martín, 2016, 20’
Padre, Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso, 2013, 11’50”
Ulise´s Canoe / La canoa de Ulises, Diego Fió, 2015, 14’19”


Romanian Film Breakfast
December 10th, 11:30 AM
Zmiana Klimatu, 6 Warszawska Street
free entry

Pofta buna! (Enjoy your meal!) – In such words we will start a unique presentation of the latest Romanian cinema, combined with tasting of Romanian delicacies!

At the beginning, like curd cheese and raisins, we will be “stuck” in the dough and closed in the oven of Sechestraţi fără voie; then we will immerse ourselves in winter Când afară ninge, where snow like “mămăligă” will remind us to make a holiday cake cozonac. Like the heroes of Offstage, we’ll warm up at home with Romanian wine, just to get some whipping (cream) like an unfaithful fiancé during a crazy night in Tokoriki! While watching Ma cheam Costin we will be introduced to the captivating and addictive taste of Romanian pralines, and their taste will release hidden in Mam, tat, trebuie sâ vâ spun ceva… secrets. At the end we will serve tasty Pipa, sexul şi omleta, which will allow us to regenerate after such a hot night! Romanian cuisine is the most diverse of all Balkan countries – Romanian cinema is one of the best in the world!

Curator: Sabra Daici

Offstage, Andrei Huțuleac, 2017, 25’
Când afară ninge / When It’s Snowing Outside, Conrad Mericoffer, 2017, 12’
Sechestrați fără voie / Humans in Frame, Tudor Botezatu, 2017, 11’
A Night in Tokoriki, Roxana Stroe, 2016, 18’
Mâ cheamâ Costin, Radu Potcoavă, 2016, 14’
Pipa, sexul și omleta, Ana-Maria Comănescu, 2016, 22’
Mamâ, tatâ, trebuie sâ vâ spun ceva…, Paul Mureșan, 2017, 6’


complete schedule of the festival

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury