Cinema Classics: The Firemen’s Ball

Białystok Cultural Centre – “GAG” Film Debating Club has the pleasure of inviting you to the film screening within the Cinema Classics series:

The Firemen’s Ball

June 20th, 6:30 PM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 10 PLN (regular ticket), 7 PLN (discount ticket), available at the Forum cinema’s box office and on

The Firemen’s Ball
Firemen’s Ball was Czechoslovakian director Milos Forman’s final film in his home country; he was scouting locations in Paris when the Russians moved their tanks into Prague in 1968 causing Forman to decide to remain an expatriate. Because of the supercharged political climate of the era, critics read all sorts of allegory and hidden meanings into the Firemen’s Ball. Other critics simply accepted the film as the slapsticky tale of a disastrous small-town celebration in honor of a retiring fire chief, and laughed accordingly.


BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury