Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the concert of Klezmer music at the Ludwik Zamenhof Centre:

Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim

July 7th, 2017 (Friday), 8 PM
tickets: 15 zł (presale) /20 zł (on the day of the concert)
available at the Ludwik Zamenhof Centre box office
or on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl

The band in artistic creativity refers back to the tradition of Klezmer music. The musicians by personalising it entirely, attempt in its own unique way to extract and underline only these features, which are, accordingly to the artists, the most important ones. Poetic and melancholic melody interweaves with fervent and ecstatic spontaneity, thus creating the space filled with wide scale of colours and emotions. The classical and academic education cannot be omitted here as well. Virtuosity, the care for sound and detail in connection with great musical sensitivity, give these compositions aesthetically refined shape. Apart from compositions based on original Klezmer melodies, in the repertoire of Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim there are more and more their own pieces.

The band consists of Mariola Śpiewak, Grzegorz Śpiewak, and Rafał Seweryniak.




BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury