Dreamland – film screening and Q&A with dir. Stanisław Berbeka

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a film screening within the 9th “Curious about the World” Culture and Travel Festival:

“Dreamland” and Q&A with dir. Stanisław Berbeka

October 25th, 2019, 8 PM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 10 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office (5 Legionowa Street), BCC/LZC’ box office (19 Warszawska Street) and on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl

Stanisław Berbeka revives the memory of his father, Maciej Berbeka. Thanks to the accounts of expedition participants, the reminiscences of his family and archival recordings, we can gain a better insight into the way of thinking of this eminent Polish mountaineer and traveller. Among the stories about the family, the values he embraced and the most important expeditions, there is one related to the winter ascent to Broad Peak: on 5 March 2013, the protagonist reached the summit, but died on his way down.


9th “Curious about the World” Culture and Travel Festival




BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury