Michał Pater: 7 Months in Central Asia

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a meeting within the 9th “Curious about the World” Culture and Travel Festival:

Michał Pater: 7 Months in Central Asia

October 27th, 2019, 3:15 PM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 10 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office (5 Legionowa Street), BCC/LZC’ box office (19 Warszawska Street) and on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl

It will be a story about people, culture and living conditions in the countries of the former Soviet Union – from a very anthropological point of view. Michał Sylwester Pater reaches the thatched roofs of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan, Siberia, Mongolia, West China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and even the formally non-existent Nagorno-Karabakh, and all this by hitchhiking. A madman who travels this way in the Siberian frosts, or in the Uzbek heat, arouses the keen interest of local communities. This allows you to get to know them and tell their story in an unconventional way. Not only as a participating observer, but also in the words of indigenous people.

Michał Sylwester Patergraduate of the Historical Institute of the University of Wrocław, traveler, mountaineer, freelancer. Graduating in 2014, he set off on one of the last great hitchhiking trips. He decided to continue his passion and share it with the world.

9th “Curious about the World” Culture and Travel Festival

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury