My Granny from Mars – film screening

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a film screening within The Rise of Eastern Culture / Another Dimension festival:

“My Granny from Mars”

August 31st, 2019, 4 PM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
free tickets available on two dates: from August 19th (from 5 PM) and from August 26th (from 5 PM) at the Forum cinema’s box office, 5 Legionowa Street

festival’s website with complete schedule

My Granny from Mars
dir. Alexander Mihalkovich, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, 2018, 83’

Grandma Zina, a native Ukrainian, despite the current political situation, decided to stay in the Crimea occupied by Russia. Isolated from the rest of the family, she lives in a coastal town forgotten by the world, unable to decide whether to stay in it or leave it.

Contemporary Russian rhythms and folk songs add a specific atmosphere to the place, seen through a sensitive lens, not devoid of sentimentalism. However, the consequences of the unsatisfactory political situation are constantly felt in the town, which is like a different planet … The way in which the director shows Zina’s relationship with her friends and family shows his deep respect for the old woman, her life wisdom and experience.

After the annexation of Crimea, my old Ukrainian grandma Zina had to face the fact of life on the “new planet”. For many reasons, however, the time has come to make a serious decision…
A. Mihalkovich

Alexander Mihalkovich (born 1984 in Mins) – Belarusian director, in 2016 he graduated from the international education program DocNomads. As a filmmaker, he is mostly interested in long-term projects with which he is emotionally connected. He made several documentary short films, his full-length debut is “My Granny from Mars”, which in 2018 won the Docu Talent Award.




BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury