Naked Lunch

Białystok Cultural Centre – Film Debating Club “GAG” has the pleasure of inviting you to the screening of the movie “Naked Lunch” within the Movie Classics series.

December 24th, 6 PM
Forum Cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 10 PLN (regular ticket), 7 PLN (discount ticket) – available at the Forum Cinema’s box office, BCC/LZC’ box office and on

Naked Lunch
David Cronenberg and William S. Burroughs: a potent, disgusting combination. This is not actually a film version of the infamous novel, but a fusion of Burroughs’ biography and his literary style (like Steven Soderberg’s underappreciated Kafka).

Peter Weller plays exterminator Bill Lee, whose wife (Judy Davis) gets hooked on the bug powder and drags Bill along for the hallucinatory ride. He starts to receive secret messages from giant mutant beetles and kills his wife in a misguided game of William Tell. Under orders from the bugs, Bill becomes a writer and gets advice and orders from his own insectoid typewriter. Eventually, he goes to the mysterious city of Interzone, where he meets more creepy writer types and is introduced to more and more exotic mind-altering chemicals.

Not for insectophobes.

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury