Natalia Sakowicz: Wake-up Call

We have the pleasure of inviting you to Natalia Sakowicz’ monodrama within the 33rd Modern Art Days festival and the Białystokers at the MAS series!


May 23rd, 2018, 6 PM
J. Wilkowski School Theatre, 14 Sienkiewicza Street
tickets: 10 PLN (presale) / 20 PLN (on the day of the event), available at the Forum cinema’s box office (5 Legionowa Street), BCC/LZC’ box office (19 Warszawska Street), online and at the event venue half an hour before its start

Wake-up Call
A long time ago, maybe not too long ago, actually it may be now, a girl lives her life. She is neither particularly pretty, good nor pious. She is not one of the princesses she read about in her childhood. She is just an ordinary girl, just like plenty of others in her land. The girl should grow up and become a woman already. She should do many things, and she should not do even more. In the meantime, she gets lost in the forest. Sloppy. And the forest, as you know, is lurking full of dangers. It would be good to get out of that forest, but she does not know which path is correct…

“Wake-up Call” is a solo puppet performance inspired by the most popular fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. The main theme of the performance is femininity today. What connects a modern girl with Sleeping Beauty or Little Red Riding Hood? Do they still have common topics or are they completely strange to each other?

The performance was created thanks to the art scholarship of the Białystok City Mayor
Partners: Białystok Puppet Theatre, Puppet Art Faculty in Białystok of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw

Premiere: December 30th, 2017
Conception and production: Natalia Sakowicz
Artistic supervision: Marcin Bartnikowski
Dramaturgy: Zuzanna Bojda
Stage design: Maria Żynel
Music: Anna Stela
Choreography: Marta Bury
Lighting: Maciej Iwańczyk

Natalia Sakowicz – actress, dancer, assistant at the Puppet Art Faculty in Białystok of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, previously associated with the Aleksander Węgierko Drama Theatre in Białystok. She cooperates with the Warsaw Drama Theatre, Łaźnia Nowa Theatre in Cracow, Warsaw Chamber Opera and with independent Malabar Hotel Theatre and Latarnia Theatre. In 2017 she created an original play “Wake-up Call”.

complete schedule of the festival



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