Organ concert: Józef Kotowicz

We have the pleasure of inviting you to an event within the 25th Cathedral Organ Concerts:

Józef Kotowicz

August 28th, 2020, 7:15 PM
Cathedral Basilica in Białystok, 2 Kościelna Street
free admission

Józef Kotowicz
Białystok organist and pedagogue. He received a master’s degree in Białystok and a postgraduate degree in Warsaw, at Prof. Józef Serafin’s organ class. He is a lecturer of playing organ and organ improvisation at the Music School in Białystok as well as at the Białystok Instrumental and Pedagogical Faculty of the Fryderyk Chopin Music University in Warsaw. He is a member of the Archdiocesan Commission of Church Music in Białystok and the artistic director of the Cathedral Organ Concerts, which have been held in the archcathedral basilica in Białystok and the Podlasie Organ Concerts.

He takes part in numerous national organ festivals and also performs abroad: he has played many times at prestigious organ festivals in Scandinavia, Slovakia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia. He toured five times in the USA. Kotowicz is the laureate of the International Organ Competition in Kamień Pomorski (1994).

He recorded 5 albums. In 2019 he celebrates the 25th anniversary of artistic activity. During this time, he gave about 300 concerts in Poland and abroad.

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury