Piotr Horzela: Antarctica – Penguins and Seals in the Ice Land

We have the pleasure of inviting Young Discoverers to a presentation:

Piotr Horzela: Antarctica – Penguins and Seals in the Ice Land

June 8th, 2019, 11 AM
Fama club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 8 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office (5 Legionowa Street), BCC/LZC’ box office (19 Warszawska Street) and on bilety.bok.bialystok.pl
presentation for children older than 5

The presentation starts with talking about continents, marking the differences between the Arctic and Antarctica and explaining why penguins will never meet polar bears. Piotr in an accessible way will tell children about the Antarctic climate, glaciers and animals inhabiting this part of the world. He will focus in particular on the stories about penguin life. In the further part of the meeting, he will talk about seals, whales and other birds.

Piotr will also briefly mention the existence of the Antarctic station and the life of polar explorers. After the lecture, he will be happy to answer all the children’s questions – and these always appear!

Piotr Horzela – podróżnik i przyrodnik. Wychowany w leśniczówce na Pomorzu, ukończył wydział leśny, ale leśnikiem nie został – pochłonęły go podróże. Cztery z ostatnich dziewięciu lat spędził na innych kontynentach. Od kilku lat prowadzi prelekcje, podczas których opowiada o ludziach, miejscach i swoich doświadczeniach ze świata, a od niecałych dwóch rozwija kanał przyrodniczy na YouTube i tworzy serię filmów „O lesie”. Obecnie mieszka w Puszczy Knyszyńskiej, skąd współprowadzi projekt ekologiczno-społeczny “Las w Nas”.

Piotr Horzela reached the Antarctic regions with the 34th Antarctic Expedition of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He spent nearly a year and a half at the polar research station. During this time, among other things, he measured the glaciers and monitored the behavior of penguins and other animals. He also helped scientists in their work, by the way expanding his knowledge of Antarctica.

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