The Story of Irena Sendler / Teaspoon for Life

Podlasie Academy of Culture and the Polish Film Institute have the pleasure of inviting you to the film screening

The Story of Irena Sendler
Teaspoon for Life

z okazji 100. rocznicy odzyskania Niepodległości i 10. rocznicy śmierci Ireny Sendlerowej

6 maja 2018, godz. 16.00
Kino Forum, ul. Legionowa 5
Bilet: 8 zł – w kasie kina i na stronie

The Story of Irena Sendler
Poland 2015, 27′
Andrzej Wolf
The Story of Irena Sendler by Andrzej Wolf is a documentary film which premiered on 20th May 2016. It consists of conversations between the director and Irena Sendlerowa, recorded in the last years of her life. The music to the film was composed by Michał Lorenc, and part of the material used comes from Steven Spilberg’s archives.

Teaspoon for Life
Poland 2004, 18′
Michał Nekanda-Trepka
Elżbieta Fickowska was six months old when her Jewish parents placed her in the custody of Irena Sendler, a Polish woman who, at the peril of her own life, tried to rescue Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto. The only thing Elżbieta had with her was a little spoon with her name and birthday engraved on it. There was one million of Jewish children in Europe in 1939. During the war, 90 percent of them were annihilated. A half a million of those children were living in Poland. Approximately 5,000 were rescued. Most of them don’t know their real name or date of birth. This is the first film that shows a Jewish child saved during World War II who still lives in Poland.


BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury