The Whale from Lorino + Q&A with Piotr Bernaś

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a film screening within The Rise of Eastern Culture / Another Dimension festival

The Whale from Lorino+ Q&A with Piotr Bernaś

August 22, 2021, 6 PM
Forum cinema, 5 Legionowa Street
free admission

Whale From Lorino is a film about the descendants of the oldest of Siberian tribes on the far away land of Chukotka. For them, the yearly hunt for the endangered whale is not only a tradition, but a necessity for surviving winter in a fragile place devastated by Soviet influence. The clash of two disappearing worlds; Chukchis civilisation and the universe of monumental and majestic whales in a story about the paradox of history and a harsh fight for survival.

Piotr Bernaś
Director, cinematographer, photographer, documentalist, member of European Film Academy. He used to work a war photographer for Gazeta Wyborcza. He won numerous awards at Polish and International Press Photography competitions for his photo-reportages from Poland, Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka, Georgia, Great Britain. Graduated from documentary course at Andrzej Wajda Masterschool of Film Directing in 2010. Nominated for European Film Award in 2011 for his short film ‘Paparazzi’. Participant of DOK.INCUBATOR 2013 (with Life of a Butterfly film project).



BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury