Young Discoverers: In the Footsteps of Staś and Nel

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a presentation for children within the Curious about the World festival!

Young Discoverers: In the Footsteps of Staś and Nel

October 27th, 2018, 11 AM
Fama club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 5 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office, BCC/LZC’ box office and on
for the children older than 4

We will repeat the African journey of the heroes of Henryk Sienkiewicz’ novel “In Desert and Wilderness”. Many adventures await us during the journey – a cruise on the Nile, a ride through a well-worn train through the Nubian Desert, as well as crossings through African wilderness by truck. We will go on safari, during which we will meet many wild animals.

Małgorzata and Marcin Złomski
Avid travellers. When they met at a travel slideshow, he had already wandered into the Peruvian jungle, crossed Africa from Cairo to Cape Town and visited Buddhist monasteries in Tibet, she climbed in the mountains of Asia and admired the vastness of the Mongolian steppe. From that moment on, they were travelling together to finally embark on a 10-month honeymoon around the world. They share their impressions during travel slideshows (

complete schedule of the festival


fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

fot. Małgorzata i Marcin Złomscy

BOK Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury