Young Discoverers: Orphanage for Wild Animals

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a presentation for children within the Curious about the World festival!

Young Discoverers: Orphanage for Wild Animals

October 28th, 2018, 11 AM
Fama club, 5 Legionowa Street
tickets: 5 PLN, available at the Forum cinema’s box office, BCC/LZC’ box office and on
for the children older than 4

Why do wild animals end up in rehabilitation centres and orphanages? What is it like to be a substitute mother for orphaned animals? How to give a pill to a bear?

The Polish Dr Dolittle will talk about her experience in caring for wild animals in centres around the world. A lecture based on a film material will end with games and quizzes.

Małgorzata Zdziechowska
Polish journalist, for many years involved in protecting and helping wild animals. She visited 12 rehabilitation centre on 4 continents (in Australia, America, Asia and Africa), where she worked with over 75 species of mammals. Media proclaimed her the Polish Dr Dollitle.

complete schedule of the festival


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