We are witnessing the bitter end of the nuclear family, and the failure of Nachtigal the idealist
A documentary story of a young, black Polish man who embarks on a journey to find his biological father
Ibsen wrote "An Enemy of the People" in 1882, but the soulless mechanisms the play reveals remain terrifyingly timely now
How the hell can we live knowing that such things are happening?
ŻUBROFFKA festival, in cooperation with Uppsala International Short Film Festival and VIS Vienna Shorts, will ask the audience for trust
Performance of Song of the Goat Theatre
There have been dozens of laudatory texts on this performance. It has received rave reviews from critics, judges and spectators of the most important theatre scenes and festivals around the world. It is a continually developing and creatively evolving work by Song of...
Fajne fotki... Ludzie byli silniejsi...Duże worki...Metr / Pół metra... dzisi
8 years ago