Location: Fama Club

South America – close to the highway

South America – close to the highway Oure guest will be Damian Lemański. Damian Wolf Wagabunda (Damian Lemański) comes from Korsz in Mazury, born in 1985. He was looking his place in a. o. the Franciscan Order, in the army. He left to Warsaw to learn a photography art eight years ago. The beginning was nat so...


Yakutia The guest of the next meeting of „Curious of the Word” will be Bialystok traveler Krzysztof Suchowierski, which will tell about Yakutia. Krzysztof Suchowierski - after studying at the Emergency Medical Services went to the European Voluntary to Rwanda, where he taught for five months of first aid in schools...


Świetliki The band Świetliki was formed 22 years ago in Krakow and immediately had a strong live debut – their first audience during a meeting of poets were such figures as Czeslaw Milosz and Wislawa Szymborska, Polish Nobel Prize winners in literature. In 1993 Świetliki released their first album “Ogród...

South Sudan

South Sudan Janusz Tichoniuk – resident of Bialystok, for years he specializing in travelling among Africa. He visited over fifty countries, of which thirty in Africa such as: Somaliland, Liberia and Congo. He travels individualy without travel agencies and guides, moving - like the locals - a crowded minibus, on top...

Polish Amazonian Expedition

Polish Amazonian Expedition Polish Amazonian expedition - new archaeological discoveries in the Bolivia rainforests - it will be a great adventure! The program includes tasting yerba mate, coca tea, and a few words from a native Argentinean Marcelo Bandura, who more than the southern tropics and monkeys in the trees loved Knyszyń Forest...


Bolivia Mariusz Lewicki will tell among others about his jeep expedition in these inaccessible areas and a hotel built of salt, driving off cycling's most dangerous road in the world, catching the anaconda and the reach to peak of Andy !!!


India Tomasz Omeljaniuk spend five weeks in India jungle. „Invite you to watch Indie from the other side. First we will go to Calcutta and its poor rural areas. I will show you the local poverty and suffering, but also tell stories of people who are full of hope and...
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